Terms and Remuneration

  1. Applicants must be either New Zealand citizens, or have resided continuously in New Zealand for at least two years immediately prior to application and hold a New Zealand resident visa.
  2. The applicant will have a PhD in a relevant disciplinary area, or equivalent qualifications such as an MA or BA Hons followed by relevant publications. Relevant publications may include books, journal or newspaper articles, chapters in books, and blogs.
  3. Applications from academics employed by a university or another tertiary institution will be considered, but the application must make it clear that the applicant is available for full-time research and writing for the period of the Fellowship or Award if successful, and that this will be on the basis of unpaid leave.
  4. Collective applications will be considered – that is, two or more applicants may apply for a clearly defined project involving original research from the group. The application will need to set out clearly how the project can be delivered effectively within the terms and conditions set out for the Fellowship and Award. (This provision does not include edited collections of academic essays, which will not be considered.)
  5. The Judith Binney Fellowship is intended to provide for full-time research and writing over a period of twelve months, and the Award for a shorter time. The Fellowship or Award cannot be held concurrently with other paid employment, unless agreed in writing with the Management Group prior to the acceptance of the Fellowship or Award. Particular circumstances affecting the tenure of the award can be raised in the application, or with the Management Group if a Fellowship or an Award is offered.
  6. While the Fellowship or Award may cover some research-related travel costs, the funds are made available specifically for research and writing; applications that relate wholly or largely to travel costs will not be considered.
  7. Recipients of the Fellowship or Award will make reports on the progress of their work at the designated periods to be established with the Management Group.
  8. Usually, applications will open mid-year, for tenure in the following year. Information on application dates and deadlines will be updated regularly on the Judith Binney Trust website.
  9. The Fellowship or Award must be taken up within six months of the date of offer.
  10. The Judith Binney Trust is to be acknowledged in any works produced as a result of the research pursued during the tenure of the Fellowship or Award.
  11. The Management Group may, at any time, suspend or terminate the Fellowship or Award if – in the opinion of the Management Group (having first consulted with the recipient) – the recipient is not diligently pursuing their programme of research or original work, and has failed to comply with any terms or conditions on which the Fellowship or Award was granted.
  12. These conditions may be modified at any time.


  1. The Judith Binney Fellowship: remuneration will be determined according to the qualifications and experience of the successful candidate and framed by the funding available from the Judith Binney Trust. It is anticipated that the Fellowships will be within the range of $50,000–$80,000.
  2. The Judith Binney Writing Award: from time to time, the Judith Binney Trust may be able to make smaller awards in the range of $10,000–$30,000 to support the work of an emerging writer, the revision of a PhD for book publication, or the completion of a major project.
  3. The funds will be allocated throughout the tenure of the Fellowship or Award, on a schedule to be agreed between the Management Group and the recipient.
  4. The recipient of a Fellowship or an Award is responsible for meeting any related income tax obligations and if the recipient is GST registered for work related to their application, the value of the fellowship would be deemed to include GST.
  5. During the tenure of the Fellowship or Award, an application may be made to the Judith Binney Trust for some additional funds to support book publication. In the first instance, a letter of enquiry should be sent to the Management Group, once the project is nearing completion. This funding decision will be at the discretion of the Trustees of the Judith Binney Trust. (All responsibilities related to publication, however, lie with the recipient of the Fellowship or Award.)
  6. No other financial support (such as for travel or other expenses) is available in association with the Judith Binney Fellowship or the Judith Binney Writing Award.

Association with the National Library and the Alexander Turnbull Library

  1. The Judith Binney Trust has established an association with the National Library of New Zealand / Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa; this is set out in a Memorandum of Understanding.
  2. The collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library (at the National Library) offer significant research opportunities in the fields covered by the Judith Binney Fellowships and Writing Awards; some provision is made at the Library for desk space and research support for recipients of the Judith Binney Fellowships and Writing Awards. However, a regular presence at the Alexander Turnbull Library is not obligatory.
  3. It is anticipated that those holding Judith Binney Fellowships or Awards will offer a public talk at the National Library, (or via video) and may present an in-house seminar on their research.
  4. Fellowship or Award recipients are encouraged to deposit documentation related to their research with the Alexander Turnbull Library on completion of the project (unless prior arrangements have been made with another institution).