About the Judith Binney Trust
The Judith Binney Trust was established by the late Sebastian Black in 2013 to offer Fellowships and Awards for research and writing on the history of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Fellowships and Awards are supported by funds from the estates of Sebastian Black and Judith Binney, and of Judith Binney’s parents, Professor Sydney and Marjorie Musgrove.
The foundation Trustees were Sebastian Black (Chair), with Sir John Hood, Elizabeth Ellis, Adam Ross and Bridget Williams. On the death of Sebastian Black, Adam Ross took on the role of Chair and Emeritus Professor Atholl Anderson joined as Trustee.
The current Trustees are: Cristina Billett (Chair), Bettina Bradbury, Ned Fletcher, Dr Damon Salesa and John Barr.
Fellowships and Awards
The Judith Binney Fellowships and Writing Awards are intended to be awarded to scholars working on any aspect of Aotearoa/New Zealand history that supports the vision, purpose or kaupapa of the Judith Binney Trust. The underlying requirements are that:
- the research to be undertaken will be of the highest quality;
- writers will have a proven record in research and writing that reflects the scholarly commitments evident in Judith Binney’s own words; and
- it is expected that the research undertaken pursuant to a Fellowship will be published or otherwise made publicly available in order to advance education within Aotearoa/New Zealand in the field of Aotearoa/New Zealand history.
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